sábado, 8 de fevereiro de 2014

The Finns


  Here is a subject that i promised to write about in this post, because for example the people don't have a concrete idea about the Finnish people. So let's start.

  The most important adjective to describe the Finns is that they are very honest people. Here in Portugal we have a proverb saying "Achado não é roubado" and if I translate literally would be like "Found is not stolen", but that in 99% of the cases in Finland don't happend. They don't want to spoil the life of the other people because they don't see that it's a good thing and they also don't evade the taxes, they have a very good educational system, for example, because they have enough money to have it. They are also very honest people because they speak the truth, if they thing that something it's like that they will say what they think. They also don't speak bad things about the others in their back. I just love that.

  Before coming I've heard that the nordic people are very cold and quiet, and the truth is: they actually are a little bit quiet in comparation with the people from the south, but they are not cold. They have some problems in expressing their emotions but they have true emotions.

  And when you are speaking with a Finn you can also be a little bit away from him, specially with stangers, because they need their own personal space and they almost never kiss, with strangers that never happend.

  They don't like Russia because of the History, the relation with Sweden it's very funny because they are like siblings, they like each other but they are always "fighting", and they also speak a lot about Estonia because they go quite often there in the boats of Viking Line or Silja Line to buy cheap alcohol.

  In general they are not religious people, but I think that they have something of spiritual, because always that somebody wants to say that somebody is dead they said that, that person is in a better place, on heaven, in the sky, etc. Another good thing is the fact that they accept the people who have faith.

  Maybe i will say more about them in another post, but with this you can have an idea of what it's a Finn.